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Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice

This aromatic and vibrant red rice is not only visually appealing but also a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire. Grown in the pristine foothills of the Himalayas, this fragrant rice captivates with its alluring aroma and distinctive flavor profile. Embrace the health benefits of this nutrient-dense grain, as it is naturally packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Elevate your meals with the wholesome goodness of Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice, and savor each mouthful as it indulges your taste buds and nourishes your body.



Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice: A Nutritious Delight for Health and Palate

Rice has been a staple food in Asia for centuries, and its cultivation dates back to ancient times in India and China. Among the diverse rice varieties, Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice stands out as a special and nutritious grain. With its distinctive color ranging from pink to dark red and a delightful nutty texture, this rice variety offers a wealth of health benefits. Let’s explore the remarkable advantages of Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice and why it makes an excellent choice for everyday meals.

1. Aromatic and Flavorful:

Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice lives up to its name by being highly aromatic and flavorful. Its rich nutty taste adds a delightful touch to any dish, making it a culinary delight for food enthusiasts.

2. Colorful Antioxidant-Rich Rice:

The captivating red hue of this rice comes from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants known for their health-promoting properties. These antioxidants help combat harmful free radicals in the body and contribute to overall well-being.

3. Nutrient-Rich and Fiber-Packed:

Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice is not just a feast for the eyes; it is also a nutritional powerhouse. High in fiber, it aids digestion and supports a healthy gut. Additionally, this rice variety is a good source of B Vitamins, iron, zinc, and folic acid, all essential nutrients for a balanced diet.

4. Preserving Nutritional Integrity:

Unlike highly polished white rice, which strips away the germ layer and essential nutrients, our Red Rice is unpolished. The red bran layer contains 95% of the rice’s minerals and dietary fiber, ensuring the preservation of iron, protein, and B vitamins.

5. Ideal for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Patients:

The low glycemic index of Brown/Red unpolished rice makes it a suitable choice for insulin-dependent diabetes patients. It helps in normalizing blood sugar levels and supports better glycemic control.

6. Careful and Gentle Processing:

At SOS Organics, we take special care in processing Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice. Using a low-energy rubber de-sheller, we produce brown/red rice without applying high pressure, speed, or temperature, ensuring the nutritional integrity of the rice is maintained. Grown in the high valleys of the Kumaon Himalaya, this rice is an old variety that grows best under extreme weather conditions in rain fed areas. It is a highly nutritious rice with a crunchy texture and an interesting flavor.

Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice is a treasure trove of goodness, offering a delightful fusion of flavor and nutrition. With its vibrant color, rich nutty texture, and wealth of essential nutrients, this rice variety elevates the taste and health quotient of any meal. Embrace the wonders of Himalayan Fragrant Red Rice and relish the nutritious benefits it brings to your everyday meals. Make this aromatic and antioxidant-rich rice a staple in your diet and savor the culinary and health rewards it bestows upon you and your loved ones.

vegetarian, gluten free

(net weight: 500 gram, packed in a golden resealable pouch)

Why eat Organic

Throughout history, unadulterated foods have been the foundation of the human diet. However, in the mid-20th century, chemical farming and factory farming became prevalent in an effort to increase crop yields. Unfortunately, these practices have resulted in significant environmental and economic imbalances, affecting the health of animals, plants, micro-organisms, soil, oceans, atmosphere, and ultimately, humans. Even those with technology and wealth are not immune to the negative effects of an unhealthy environment.

In today’s polluted urban environment, maintaining good health has become a challenge due to contaminated water, air, and food. As our urban population grows, we are starting to see the negative impacts of rapidly changing lifestyles, poor diets, and lack of exercise. When we consume polluted food, we carry that pollution in our bodies, leading to the accumulation of toxins and the development of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Children are particularly vulnerable to agricultural toxins, as they consume a higher percentage relative to their size. Shockingly, the average child is exposed to four times more cancer-causing pesticides found in food than the average adult. It’s time to prioritize clean, unadulterated food and recognize the importance of a healthy environment for the well-being of all.






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